
Asphalt Contractors and You: How to Choose the Best Pavers for Your Lot

Odds are that you have a number of asphalt contractors in your area. No matter where you live, you’re likely to have at least half a dozen to choose from! The problem is, though, that all asphalt contractors are not created equal. The trick is finding out how to choose the best paving contractor for your own asphalt lot.

If you think about it, there isn’t really much of a “trick” to it at all. That’s not to say that there aren’t things to keep in mind — there absolutely are. Yet if you just watch out for a few important things, you’ll be able to search through all the asphalt contractors in your area and pick out the one that’s perfect for your parking lot.

Plenty of Fish in the Sea

In a perfect world, the first asphalt contractor you find will be the best choice. In the real world, though, it almost never works out that way. That’s why it’s important to talk to as many asphalt contractors as possible to provide you with a well-rounded idea of what these contractors will charge you for their services. If one contractor provides you with estimates that are much higher or lower than the rest of the asphalt contractors you’ve already talked to, it’s usually a sign that something’s not right. Estimates that are too high are usually a clear indicator of being overcharged, after all. Meanwhile, lowball estimates could be due to a contractor that likes to cut corners in places they should not.

On the subject of estimates, make sure that the asphalt contractor you choose actually shows up at your job site to take measurements and provide you a detailed explanation of what goes into the price they quote you. Choosing a paving contractor that doesn’t take the time with you to explain these things, even if they’re willing to do the job for less, might indicate that you’re not dealing with a contractor that has a high enough attention to detail to provide a quality job.

Ask Asphalt Contractors About Their Management Style

You’re repaving your parking lot to support your ability to do business, as it’s an investment in future growth. At the same time, asphalt paving can be highly disruptive to your business while it’s being undertaken, as this requires keeping your lot off limits until the job is done. This means you’ll have to discuss how each of your prospective asphalt contractors will manage the job so that the issue won’t impact your business too much in the long run.

Will the contractor do the work while you’re open, but spread the job over a few days and only do one part of your lot at a time? Will they do it all at once on a day you’re closed? Whatever management style your contractor uses when it comes to their paving jobs, you’ll need to know well in advance so you can plan around it. When it comes to interfering with the ability of your customers or visitors to park in your lot, you simply can’t go in blind and take your chances.

Talk About Long-Term Maintenance Services

When you’re dealing with good asphalt contractors, they stick around for the long haul. A good lot goes a long way, but long-term maintenance is even better. Whether it’s sealcoating, crack maintenance, or even leaf-blowing services, preventative services keep your lot in better shape for longer.

As mentioned above, a new parking lot is an investment in the future of your business. Make sure you choose the best asphalt contractor to make that future bright.